domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2007

Envio de e-mail a Aubrey de Grey

Aubrey de Grey, gerontologista da Universidade de Cambridge, tem sido a base da nossa pesquisa. Como tal, foi enviado um e-mail a informar do nosso trabalho e pedir algumas indicações. Aqui está o referido documento:

"Greeting Mr. Aubrey de Grey
First, let us introduce ourselves. We are a group of high school students gathering information to a school project during this year. Our main subject is: “Life Extending“
• Is it possible to live up to 500 years? Even more? Ethical problems, techniques and costs.
Is it technically possible? There is a reliable technology to do so? Ethical is acceptable or rejectable? Is it economic possible for an average person?
One of our goals is to with all information, make a PowerPoint presentation and answer some of our college’s questions about this almost unknown issue. We will organize a conference with some opposing points of view to discuss the subject and ask then what their stand is.

Our main source of information will be the internet. We will search:
- In press conferences available in the internet
- In Websites about Anti-Aging, Ethical issues.
- College / High School Teachers with some knowledge in this issue

With this E-Mail, we are not inviting you to our conference because we know that you are an important gerontologist and we do not want to waste your time with a mere high school project. If you have any suggestion to help us make this project richer on information, appreciate your patience and time.

Thanks for your time
Nuno Teixeira
Carla Pinho
João Alexandre
Pedro Fernandes Pinto
Tânia Melo
António Bonito"

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

=O =O wow! muito bom! uma grande ideia! ... confesso que quando me disseram disto que voces tinham feito fiquei mesmo admirado...e ainda fikei mais admirado kndo me dixeram que ele tinha respondido ao email... mto bom mesmo! ... continuem axim... estao a fazer um grande trabalho e espero k o Aubrey de Grey vos ajude em tudo o que poxa ... isto acabou por tornar ainda mais forte o voxo trabalho ...

Espero que consigam concretizar o vosso proximo "desejo" acerca do Aubrey de Grey...era mesmo muito muito bom se o conseguixem concretizar.. ^^

Boa sorte pra voces e continuem assim !